Sunday 21 April 2013

2014 Ever Best Quote

D r e a m s
Are Meaningless, Unless
Someone Adds Reality To It. 

T e a r s
Are Meaningless, Unless 
There Is Someone To Wipe

H a p p i n e s s
Is Meaningless, Unless
There Is Someone To Share

T h o u g h t s
Are Meaningless, Unless
There Is Someone Special In

S u c c e s s
Is Meaningless, Unless
There Is Someone To Appreciate

B e a u t y
Is Meaningless, Unless
There Is Someone To Admire It.. 

H e a r t b e a t
Is Meaningless, Unless
There Is Someone In The Rhythm
Of It.. 

L i f e
Is Meaningless, Unless
There Is Someone To Add Love
To It.. 

L o v i n g
Someone Becomes Meaningless,
When That Someone Do Not Loves
You Back..

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