Thursday 25 July 2013

How to Make a Unbreakable Strong Password

There is something which you must keep in your mind. Don't make a password which is your important things or your friend's know them.
i,e. Your Pet's name
Your Car / Bike number
Your Cellphone number e.t.c

Here we're going to give you some tips which help you to make a strong password & these combination's you can use for anything which you want to keep secret.

Here Some Samples of Password's

  1. pakistan (Simple alphabetically password)
  2. pakistan123 (Simple alphabetically & numeric mix password)
  3. 123456789 (Simple numeric password)
  4. @*&^))# (Special Key's Password ) - Hard to Break but not Impossible.

Make a password with a *SPACE* Impossible to Break.

Give a space at the end of the password in the start of the password or in the middle of the password.


▬► Pakistan(space)
▬► (space)Pakistan
▬► Pakis(space)an

Even the get your pass when they going to crack it but they didn't get the space in it. So its unbreakable password.

Thanks for reading ♥

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